Saturday, August 31, 2019

An Overview of the Societal Causes of White-Collar Crime Essay

One of the three sociological theories of the causes of white collar crime as identified in the book Profit Without Honor is the   societal causes. The American culture believes that to be successful you must have money, lots of money. Success is based solely upon materialistic items such as luxurious homes, nice cars, boats, etc. Therefore, we are basically raised to be greedy. So when individuals engage in white-collar crime, though they are breaking the law, they are often conforming to cultural values-such as the accumulation of wealth (Rosoff, Pontell, & Tillman 126).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Societal causes also includes an individual’s desire to own material things like money, authority and other privileges. When one becomes financially stable, he/she will think that people in the society will look up to him with great admiration. In the United States, majority of people aims to achieve the American dream. This gives out a sense of belongingness and boost one’s confidence even more.   Some white-collar crimes are committed as a result of the pressure to meet self-defined or externally imposed standards of successful performances (Rosoff, Pontell, & Tillman 120-121).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are social pressures and unexpected events that causes white collar crime. Violent encounters and criminal cases encourages one to seek for more ways of gaining money in order to support their needs in seeking for fair justice. Loss of financial resources will lead them to consult employees who have more access in the company’s accounting. Negative experiences associated with people who dominates over other inside company premises produces white collar criminals. This is because their bad experiences are not properly addressed and at the same time the person who abuses and bullies them remains upright and in stable position. Misunderstanding between employee and supervisor is a good example of this scenario. Low wages also cause social inferiority to employees making them rebel against the company and eventually do white collar crime as a revenge (Conklin 86-87).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The social environment of companies appears to breed white collar criminals, generally because the atmosphere and the people who promotes it. The market place is extremely competitive and when businesses can not compete legally, they may do so illegally through co-workers influence. The greed of several key players at any organization can cause the entire corporation to fail (Conklin 86-87).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Societal causes of white collar crime is so easy to determine. White collar criminals are once, victims too. They are one of those endangered employees, patients who are not capable of paying hospital bills, underpaid workers and anything that incorporates society and culture. Societal causes are also caused by trading scandals inside institutions which definitely loosen the faith of the in the nation’s economy (Rosoff, Pontell, & Tillman 226).   Criminals are more likely to commit white collar crime as their means of fighting for total equality and democracy. Works Cited: Conklin, John E. Criminology. 2nd ed. New York: MacMillan, 1986 Rosoff, Stephen M., Henry N. Pontell, and Robert H. Tillman. Profit Without Honor: White- Collar Crime and the Looting of America. (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Publishing, 2007.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Alternate assessment

The concept of assessment, in everybody’s mind is that of the score card generated by the student as a result of the examination. A certain portion of the student community, however, is not able to take part in such exams, (Massanari Carol B. )and get a score card as the rest of their community. Such students may be suffering from any cognitive disabilities, or has deficits in communication or language. They may need highly specialized education program or educational support systems, like, assistive technology and personal care systems (NYSAA).Such students cannot perform in the routine examinations, even after the accommodations are made. The alternative assessment system is designed by the Education Department, to benefit such students. The alternate assessment system the performance of a student based on : – Portfolio : consisting of samples of actual work/models done by him/her – Parental feedback: which accounts for his interests and activities beyond the s chool hours – Observing a child in a classroom – The performance of a child related to a specific activity (Massanari Carol B. )An interesting fact to be noted is that the standards for students eligible for alternate assessment are the same as those approved by the board of regents for all students. A student achieving a alternative assessment level 1 would indicate that he participates passively, in activities based on mandatory alternate performance indicator, for a single learning standard. Whereas, a level 4 would indicate that he can perform the skills independently and accurately, based on at least two learning standards and four alternate performance indicators. (NYSAA)The alternate assessment system is very authentic also, because it is designed and promoted by the Education Department of the Government of the United States. The Alternative assessment system is very useful and important as it is of great help to the students who could not take the general asse ssments. It gives them the advantage of not being left behind, because of their inability to take the general tests. Collection We live only one life. In this short time span there is so much to know, so many things to do. Engaging our mind constantly and continuously enriches our mind.It is this richness of mind which would make us live our life in a satisfactory way. I use all my extra time in collecting information on events that can be considered historic. They may be newspaper or magazine clippings, personal photographs or electronic data from the internet. Such a passion many times reveals many interesting facts, raises many questions or is simply amazing to our minds. I would like to share what some of my collections reveal. Till the devastation of New Orleans by a hurricane, the administration of the most powerfulcountry on this world was not aware of the fact that the land on which such a big human habitat has developed is much below the normal sea level. Science teaches us that there is no atmosphere on moon. The flag of the United States, which Neil Armstrong hoisted on the surface of moon, is fluttering. How? There was a gap of at least 50 minutes between the attack on the twin towers of WTC and on the Pentagon. What was the most sophisticated military and air force of the super power of this world doing during this 50 minutes? Was it impossible to trace the missing planes?The precision with which late President John F. Kennedy was hit by the bullet is evident from the fact that the X-ray plates, taken immediately after the shoot out, reveal that his skull had no brain. Pictures of natural beauty are simple refreshing to mind. I refer back to them whenever I feel monotonous. The colorful farms of Switzerland, the vast stretches of deserts, the snow clad mountains, or the deep ocean sea life,,, nature is always very refreshing. Enrichments of mind is should go on continuously throughout our lives, irrespective of age and profession.That is precisely what a habit of collection does. References : 1. NYSAA, New York State Alternate Assessment with Severe Disabilities, Retrieved on 17 August 2007 from : http://www. vesid. nysed. gov/specialed/publications/policy/broch.htm#What%20is%20the%20NYS%20Alternate%20Assessment?2. Massanari Carol B. , P. HD, Mountain Plains Regional Resource Centre, Alternate Assessment Q & A, retrieved on 17 August 2007 from: < http://72. 14. 253. 104/search? q=cache:ik3ImYzbTZUJ:www. usu. edu/mprrc/infoserv/pubs/q%26aaa. pdf+alternate+assessment+in+math+and+its+uses&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=in >

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A chat with my grandpa on the war in Korea

A chat with my grandpa on the war in Korea It may be hard to believe, but before this interview, I never knew that my grandfather was involved in the Korean War. It wasn’t, and isn’t, something he talks about unless he’s asked. Talking to him about his experiences taught me so much about not only him, but my family also. I know my grandfather as the man who dresses up as Santa Claus because he bears an uncanny resemblance to him, the man who bakes bread as a hobby. This information revealed a part of him that I never knew was there. Michael Sosik was born on November 11th, 1943. His father, who passed away only a few years ago, was a World War II veteran who was on the beaches of Normandy only a couple weeks after D-Day. He grew up in Pennsylvania and enlisted in the army on March 23rd, 1962. When I said I was surprised he remembered the exact date, he said, â€Å"It’s a day you don’t really forget.† When he enlisted, he was already married to my grandmother, Doris Sosik, known to former Burgess students as the widely loved Mrs. Sosik. He chose the Army rather than the Navy despite his former experience with boats because he wanted to serve two years rather than four, and he wanted Special Forces. When I asked my grandfather why he enlisted, he said, â€Å"Patriotism. The President called for people to volunteer, he said he was looking for ‘a few good men.’ I voluntarily answered the call. That was a mistake.† Michael described his first days in the service as â€Å"lost and confused.† He disliked the feeling of his civilian privileges being taken away. He had to cut his longer hair, wear the same uniform as everyone else, and had the same rank as all the other men- he describes it as â€Å"a breaking down of your individualism.† His athleticism was the only thing that set him apart from the other young men. The food he described as â€Å"pretty gross.† He said that they were fed C-Rations, which were canned in 1943, the year he was born. His job assignments varied throughout his service. He was an infantryman, he jumped out of airplanes, he was a gunner on a helicopter, he learned to fight in jungle and mountain environments, and he worked with a Chaplain, who he called â€Å"an amazing man.† A Chaplain is a Catholic priest that provided spiritual and moral support for the men who were fighting. When asked about his most memorable experiences, he recalls the time he jumped out of an airplane and came right down the center of a large pine tree, getting caught up only a few feet away from the ground. He walked away from that incident with only scratches. Another experience he had took place when he was driving a Jeep. Michael and his crew heard guns firing, and suddenly a bullet went through the spare tire of the vehicle. He kept that bullet and still has it to this day. On another occasion he was in a helicopter when the compressor stalled at about 3,000 feet up. The crew brought the helicopter down with autorotation, and the ground came up fast. When they landed, they hit the ground so hard that the tail of the helicopter broke off. These were all scary, but the experience he considers to be the worst happened once he had come back from overseas. He was stationed at Fort Bragg in the Carolina Maneuver area, which encompassed Southern North Carolina and Northern South Carolina. He was an armorer and advisor, testing gun systems on helicopters in preparation for Vietnam. It was early in the morning, and the visibility was low. There’s no radar on helicopters, so there is no way of telling what’s around other than your own vision. When they took off from the landing zone, nose down, they saw a whole formation of other helicopters coming at them over the trees. Quickly they slammed the helicopter back into the ground, destroying it. He says, â€Å"You go overseas and you’re in a combat situation and you come home and you’re just training- and you run into something like that. The only thing that’s going through your mind is, ‘I’ve been through all that, and now I†™m going to die here?’ I thought for sure I was going to die that day.† As for life overseas, my grandfather had a unique experience. I asked him what people did to occupy the time they had off. He replied that many men went to see prostitutes, but he had another hobby. He absolutely loved visiting orphanages in Korea and volunteering his time with the children. He got very attached to one of the girls he met at an orphanage. Had he been financially able, he would have adopted her. Even still, he wants to find her, but he says, â€Å"No one can seem to help me. I know her information, her name, where she was†¦ I’ve not been able to find her.† Michael traveled all over when he was in the service. He’s been all over the US, to Korea, Japan, Thailand, and Cambodia. When talking about these places, he seemed to relive his memories vividly. He said, â€Å"Korea’s very hilly. You can be standing on top of a hill looking down at this valley, and they’re covered with rice patties- but there’s clouds in the sky, so you see these light and dark green patches in the shadow of the clouds.† The relationships that he had with his fellow soldiers and his officers were stronger overseas than they were when he came back to America. For the most part they were pretty good, but he says, â€Å"There are bad apples in every barrel, just like everything else.† When he was in the US, he brought his wife with him wherever he went, so he didn’t really socialize. One friend he made was the son of a Nazi officer named Ulf. They were close overseas, and they rotated on the same day. When they got back to America, Ulf returned to the Midwest where he lived. A couple of months ago, my grandfather looked him up online and pulled up an obituary. Through this, he learned that Ulf had been living in Northborough, Massachusetts, and had died only 3 months ago. For thirteen years, they had been living less than 30 minutes away from each other. When Mike talked to Ulf’s wife, she remembered his name. I saw his face change as he said; â€Å"It is really difficult, now at my age, that these people that I worked so close to, that I risked my life with- they’re leaving this Earth.† My grandfather left the army as an E-5, which is equivalent to a Sargent. He re-acclimated quickly to civilian life. He joined VFW and American Legion, and his education was supported by the GI Bill. He served an apprenticeship, started a construction business, went into publishing, and finally started Northeast Merchant Systems in Sturbridge, which is the job he retired from. He had four children, all of which were discouraged from joining the military. He now has 15 grandchildren, including myself. When he reflects on his years in the military he say’s he’s glad that he did it, but would never recommend it. He strongly dislikes the politics involved in war. He’s proud, but he wouldn’t do it again, and maintains that were he growing up in this day and age, he would not want to be involved in that â€Å"mess.† He says that he lives with problems today because of what he did in the service, and it’s transformed the way he thinks about life. Especially, he says, it affects the way he thinks about credibility. In the army, you report what you saw, not what you â€Å"think† you saw or what you analyze it to be. This is important in life too. Many people embellish what they see, and don’t even realize it. Military service also taught him how to rely on others, and how to trust someone with your life. It was a very strange experience for me to hear my grandfather talking about how closely he knew death, when just two weeks ago I had no idea that he had ever been to East Asia. If he had been driving his jeep a little slower, or waited a little too long to land the helicopter, or missed that pine tree by a few yards, I wouldn’t be here to tell his story. I’m proud to be the granddaughter of such a laudable man.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nursing - Critically Reflective Account of a Leadership Issue Research Paper

Nursing - Critically Reflective Account of a Leadership Issue Pertinent to Your Own Work Role - Research Paper Example Research supports the concept that there is no one specific method or style that works all the time. Rather, the leader of a healthcare organization should understand and identify with employees and tailor his or her approach accordingly. Recent reforms have required healthcare organizations to implement new ways of operating and to redefine their purposes, the nature of their work and the relationships between employees. Old-style, top-down bureaucracies are being replaced by organizational structures and cultures in which shared the vision, partnerships, patient empowerment, and collaboration across professions and agencies, are emphasized. â€Å"Effective clinical leadership is essential in delivering the high-quality, person-centered care envisioned by health minister Lord Darzi in the final report of the NHS Next stage review, High-Quality Care for All† (department of health (DH) 2008). Lord Darzi says in his report, that â€Å"it is through unlocking talent that we will achieve high-quality care across the board†. ‘Unlocking talent’ involves tapping into the leadership abilities and potential of all front line staff to deliver high-quality, safe and efficient care to patients and service users. There are four key ideas that should be understood and explored in the creation of an appropriate workplace for health professionals in the new environment. They are patients, management, staff performance, and leadership. The changing requirements and concerns of patients demand that healthcare is delivered in integrated care patterns spreading across some clinical disciplines. (Edmonstone 2005, 10-11) A look into the future of healthcare points clearly toward an integrated approach to the dispensing of health services, from hospital care to health and community agencies. Healthcare in future will be considered from a whole systems approach with the appropriate inter-agency partnership to ensure faultless care. The new workplace must allow for  project-based teams, with core teams and provisional specialists who move from one core team to another.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Annual advertising and public relations programme Essay

Annual advertising and public relations programme - Essay Example If we talk about the major benefits of developing and executing an advertising campaign for a company, we come to know that there are various benefits that a company can achieve by implementing a well-structured and strategic advertising plan related to its products and services. Mckenna (1991) states, â€Å"When you own a market, you lead the market†. Some of the benefits include achievement of market dominance, communicating a change in the product line, increase in the market share, competitive edge, market penetration, seasonal promotions, and increased awareness among the people about the products and services being provided by the company. The name of the company is Car World and it is a well-established company belonging to the automobile industry of Oman. Car World deals with manufacturing and distribution of local cars. Some types of the vehicles, which the company manufactures, include mini trucks, family vans, and trucks. American Motor Corporation (AMC), which is an American automobile company, carries out some of the key manufacturing processes of the Car World’s cars. The product for which I am going to develop the advertising plan is Salome Family Van. Salome van is a new product manufactured by the Car World in collaboration with AMC. Salome van is a 7-seater vehicle, which is an economical car for the large families. People should buy this car because of its cost-effective price, beautiful shape, and capacity to hold a large number of people at a time. This car consumes very less amount of fuel as compared to other competitors such as Raxel Motors and Raymon Cars. The market share of the cars manufactured by the Car World is 35% in 1300cc engines, which is a good market share in the automobile industry of Oman. Kayne (n.d.) states, â€Å"Marketing strategies differ depending on the product, target market and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Karyotyping (cellular chemistry) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Karyotyping (cellular chemistry) - Assignment Example DNA strands are systematically wound around several times over to permit storage without sacrificing the efficiency of regulated translation of the coded information into proteins, which are essential molecular components of biological processes (Gilbert 9). Defect in the highly-organized structure chromosomes will thus inhibit either the regulation of gene translation, or the translation process itself. Karyotyping is the examination of chromosomes of a particular sample of cells to detect differences in the chromosomes’ number and structure. Cells may be obtained from amniotic fluid, blood, bone marrow, or placenta. As mentioned earlier, such aberrations manifests physically and functionally. For example, chromosomal aberration may affect fetal development, especially when the site of defect involves genes necessary for molding a child from a unicellular zygote. In such cases, either a couple cannot produce an offspring and continuously suffer miscarriages, or physical abnormalities and functional defects are evident after their baby is born. The abnormalities may manifest as soon as the baby has been delivered, or may take some time to be observed. In addition, chromosomal aberrations can also predispose someone to develop certain diseases, such as cancer (Chambers 2009). When karyotyping was performed on a 28 year old male complaining of infertility, it was determined that he has an extra X chromosome, a condition known as Kleinfelter’s syndrome. This extra copy of X chromosome, specifically the genes that come with it, interferes with the proper function of testes in its production of viable sperm cells and testosterone. Each can exclusively cause the infertility experienced by the patient. Moreover, he might also have had small testes, large breasts, and reduced facial and body hair. The patient is also predisposed to developing breast cancer and systemic

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Organizational Culture of Ritz-Carlton Research Paper

Organizational Culture of Ritz-Carlton - Research Paper Example Some organizations encourage their employees to be more innovative and to take more risks than other organizations.The second characteristic of organizational culture is attention to detail. This characteristic of organizational culture explains the degree to which a corporation encourages its employees to be precise in their work and to pay close attention to details.  The third characteristic of organization culture is outcome orientation. This characteristic of organizational culture explains the degree to which the management of a corporation focuses on the outcomes, rather than on the processes that brings about the outcome.The fourth characteristic of organizational culture is people orientation. This characteristic of organizational culture explains the degree to which the management of an organization focuses on the effect that the activities and the decisions made by the management of an organization will have on the people within the organization.The fifth characteristic of organizational culture is team orientation. This characteristic of organizational culture explains the degree to which work activities within an organization are organized around teams, rather than individuals.The sixth characteristic of organizational culture is aggressiveness.   This characteristic of organizational culture explains the degree to which an organization encourages its employees to be aggressive or adventurous, and competitive.The seventh characteristic of organization culture is stability.

Business Management as a career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Management as a career - Essay Example Your decisions may make or break the organization and the cost of making wring decisions is very high as compared to small businesses. At such a high level of risks and costs associated with mistakes, the decision makers do get a good remuneration packages. Salaries and other benefits for the top level management of such huge businesses are relatively in multiples of those for small businesses. Even in the small groups, the business management professionals are relatively high paid than the rest of the workforce. This is because there are a few people with good leadership and management skills to effectively manage the operations for such companies. Coming back to the career issue, what else can a person go for Amongst known professions, IT had a boom for a few years when everyone wanted to get into information technology and its related fields, but it ended soon. Chartered accountancy, a very tedious option, is nevertheless a very successful career choice for a number of people, but then one can not get the top hand in this profession as finance is a merely a supportive function in many organizations. Engineering and medical were also popular for some time, but then the market got flooded with professionals. Business management is a focused profession requiring a high level of knowledge of the subject and the market your business is dealing in. besides knowledge, the management and leadership skills are also required to manage effectively the operations of any business, whether it be a small owned confectionaries business, or a multinational FMCG or an automobile manufacturing firm. The qualifications required for business management are not the sole criterion for success. The major requirement is the dynamism and the abilities to run and manage business operations. The business manager should be able to forecast and meet the demands of its customers and satisfy them with the offering, keeping a long term profitable customer relationship. The acceptable qualifications, to judge candidates on a common ground, may be masters in business administration. MBA, a known business qualification, is specifically focused on business management and administration. This covers various aspects of modern business as a part of its curriculum. MBA curriculum and course content includes the teaching and case-based analysis in various business subjects including, but not restricted to, finance, accounting, marketing, management, human resource management and other optional or elective courses. An MBA has the option to major in any of the available fields like finance and accounts, HRM, marketing, MIS and others as per the offering of the universities. As stated in an article on self-employment "Working for oneself holds great attraction for many people. Some view self-employment as a chance to advance professionally by becoming their own boss, earning more money, or gaining status. Others seek the personal advantages it may provide, such as the ability to work at home, have more flexible working hours, or create profitable ventures from activities they enjoy. Still others want to try something different from their current job or the one

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation among the Somali Community in London, And Literature review

Female Genital Mutilation among the Somali Community in London, And Its Effects on Girls (11-15) In Education - Literature review Example Mostly carried out minus anesthesia, statistics form WHO indicates that FGM is so common in Africa, and developed countries where FGM is common, the immigrants are the ones who practice it. Over 150 million young girls and women have undergone Female Genital Mutilation across the globe, at least according to World Health Organization. There are various reasons of carrying out FGM, at least according to some communities who cite the reduction of libido in women in order to control their sexual life. In United Kingdom, the Somalis have been the largest immigrant group according to the statistics released by the Refugee Council in 2005. However, these statistics do not have further information on the health needs of the Somali people living across UK. As Hammersley (1998) notes, over 34,000 Somalis living in London City alone, the women are the majority as compared to men by 56 percent to men’s 44 percent. Nonetheless, these figures do not include those of asylum seekers, just as it has always been hard to get the exact number of minority groups across UK. It is paramount to note that although not all health information of immigrants is available, specific health needs among of some immigrant communities are available. For example, some researchers have studies language and communication needs of the Somali people including their mental and physical conditions. Undoubtedly, these needs are vital when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth issues. Matters of maternal familiarities also need understanding of both social and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, this paper will mainly review Female Genital Mutilation among Somali girls aged 11 and 15 and will examine the consequences of FGM when it comes to education. The paper will also examine the... This essay tresses that it is important to discuss the dangers associated with FGM. According to the World Health Organization, female genital mutilation leaves mental and physical damages to women and girls. In fact, in some instances, some girls have bled to death due to wrong cutting. There is no doubt that the victims experience mammoth pain during cutting, a pain that they will always remember in their entire lives should they happen to survive. Various researchers have associated some psychometric stresses with FGM. There are also other effects of female genital mutilation for example, pain during sexual intercourse, severe pain during delivery, bladder complications, and hemorrhage especially if the victim undergoes caesarean sections in delivering a baby. This paper makes a conclusion that the physical and psychological challenges experienced have serious negative impacts when it comes to education. The social consequences such as stigma and low self-esteem are also injurious to these girls who are trying to shape their careers. There is no doubt that FGM cases serious physical, social, educational, sexual and psychological challenges to girls aged 11-15. Societies and governments should do more to stop the vice and instead focus on ways that improve and empower the girl child. Criminalization of the practice has proved successful and religious sects should stop misleading the public on issues of FGM.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Analyze Capital Budgeting Methodologies (NPV, IRR, MIRR, etc..) Research Paper

Analyze Capital Budgeting Methodologies (NPV, IRR, MIRR, etc..) - Research Paper Example Some of the major capital budgeting techniques are: 2. Where â€Å"NPV† is â€Å"zero†, it is acceptable to the organization as it promises equal return to the required rate of return. However, the organization is in differential towards such a project, as it gives no profit. This technique uses discounted cash flows in its analysis, which makes it one of the most accurate capital budgeting techniques. This is because it incorporates and considers both the risk and time variable aspect of the project. Therefore, it measures the net benefit of the project in today’s currency terms (Accounting4managment, n.d). One of the major limitations of NPV method is its difficulty to make accurate forecast of the future cash flows and another is its vulnerability of manipulation through different discount rates as there is no standard to set a discount rate (Michel, 2001). Internal Rate of Return or also called yield on project is actually the rate of return of the investment project earned over the useful life of the project. The benefits and cost of the project are equal to each other at this discount rate. In other words, it is the discount rate where the NPV of the project is zero (Accounting4managment, n.d). There is no specific direct formula for manual calculation of IRR. Instead, the calculation is based on the equation where NPV id zero using various cash flows at different discount rates. However, it can be easily calculated on Excel and financial calculators. 1. Where â€Å"IRR† of the project is greater or equal to â€Å"project’s cost of capital†, the organization accepts the project as it indicates that the return is higher than what organization pay to borrow money for the project. 2. Where â€Å"IRR† of the project is lower than the â€Å"project’s cost of capital†, the organization rejects the project indicating that it would obviously not prefer to receive a return lower than what they pay to borrow

Thursday, August 22, 2019

John Brown, the abolitionist Essay Example for Free

John Brown, the abolitionist Essay John Brown was one abolitionists of the 19th century who became known for using the instigation of anger and unrest among slaves as a means to destroy the institution of slavery. Born May 9, 1800 to Owen Brown and Ruth Mills, John Brown was a native of Connecticut. He was the fourth of eight children. When Brown was 16, he enrolled in a preparatory program in Massachusetts and transferred to Morris Academy in Connecticut soon after. Financial and physical hurdles prevented him from continuing his education in the academy and he soon returned to Ohio. Upon his return to Ohio, he worked in his father’s tannery. Soon, with his adopted brother, he was able to open his own tannery. Brown married Dianthe Lusk in 1820 and had a son with her 13 months later. They moved to Pennsylvania where he bought 81 hectares of land. This piece of land became the new venue of his tannery where he had 15 workers. He also grew cattle in this land and also earned extra by being a surveyor. But his prosperous life came to an almost abrupt end when he fell ill. His tannery and other businesses began to suffer, leaving him in debt. His wife, Dianthe died and on June 14, 1833, Brown was married to Mary Ann Day. Brown had a total of 20 children, 13 children from Mary Ann, and 7 from Dianthe. He and his family moved back to Ohio where they hoped to start anew. He bought land once again and opened a new tannery. He suffered more losses given the economic conditions of that time. He incurred a lot of debt and he explored different business ventures to pay them off. In 1842, Brown was declared bankrupt by the court. His expertise in raising sheep and getting fine wool built for him a name. He built a wide base of relationships with farmers in his area. He began to gain popularity by appearing in agricultural writings and published material. He and Simon Perkins set up a wool commission operation in Massachusetts in the effort to quell the market control of English wool manufacturers. Brown realized that English manufacturers did this to keep US wools cheap. Brown travelled to England in the hope of starting a negotiation to change the situation and for higher prices. But he failed, and lost a great deal of money instead.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Lifestyle Causes of Disease

Lifestyle Causes of Disease In this world whether from developed, developing and underdeveloped countries, there is no doubt that most of the people is experiencing illness and diseases. The major leading causes of illnesses are their lifestyle and standard of living. Some people argue that individuals should be responsible for their health while others argue that the government are the one who is accountable for health. In this paragraph, it tackles the insights on who need to be a liable for health, may it be social, personal and environment. Moreover, it gives the impact of the said issue on international and national policy. Also, it will discuss the justification of each solutions or intervention to address the balance responsibility for healthcare between society and family. The leading factors for the lifestyle diseases are as follows: first is high blood pressure. It is also known as hypertension. It does increase the risk for heart attack or stroke to most have this case. When a person has hypertension, usually it has no signs. That is why people should have a regular check-up of their blood pressure. The only way to know if a person is experiencing a high blood pressure is having it always high for a very long time like for three months. The causes for this illness are unknown but there is a study that it runs in the families or known as hereditary. Occasionally, glandular and kidney diseases are responsible for this. Second is tobacco use. It is considered to be common throughout the globe. It contains a raw material which has an addictive ingredient like nicotine. It is one of the most leading factor for lots of chronic diseases such as cancer, lung related diseases and cardiovascular too. As to this a number of countries are now restricting tobacc o use, regulating people who can only buy and where can they smoke. Third is unsafe sex. It is also known as unprotected sex where describe as having sex without condom. As a result of this, HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) can occur. Globally, the number of people getting infected with this is increasing every year. That is why using condom is important and it is effective way for preventing STI, AIDS and HIV which can be passed on during sex. Fourth is alcohol use. In order for people to socialise with others, drinking with them is way to know them. However, drinking regularly in high amount can cause lots of health conditions. These alcohol related problems are liver disease, cancer, malnutrition, impotence, infertility, nerve damage, stroke, addiction and worst is death. Fifth is obesity. Obese is defined as accumulation of too much fat inside the body and it has a negative effect on one persons health. If the person BMI is more than to its normal by 30%, it is cons idered to be obese. As to this, high number of health risk can be identified like osteoarthritis or bone degeneration, coronary heart disease, gall bladder disease, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, sleep apnoea, stroke and diabetes. Last is cancer. It is the abnormal cell growth inside the body. There are 100 types of different cancer. It harms the body wherein the damaged cells are dividing uncontrollably which forms masses and lumps except for leukaemia. These masses interferes system in our body like the circulatory, cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory system. Some of the tumours are benign but some of them turn out to be malignant, which is more dangerous to one person’s health. Consequently, countries are spending a lot of money on healthcare costs and expenditure. Since the lifestyle of a person is interrelated with the diseases, there is a question of should an individual be held responsible for their health related choices? So it is been concluded that there is a relationship between the lifestyle of a person to the diseases they are suffering and also the expenditure in the healthcare. Through this, in medical and economic point of view, individuals are morally responsible for their health related choices. However, lots of people are objecting with this idea. People are objecting with several reasons. First, there will be a conflict between individuals who are entirely responsible for their health and also the responsibility of medicine to treat people. Also, there will be a conflict between the society’s obligations to look after the vulnerable people. Second, it is not fair for individuals to be responsible for their health if they themselves cannot make a good health related choices due to addictive behaviour, ignorance, mental incapability and also peer pressure. Third, it will be extremely difficult for people to implement a system that they are totally responsible for their health to think that some people acquire disease through environmental and hereditary factors. Although, it is vital for individuals to be responsible for their health, they should not be obliged to be entirely responsible for it as it is unreachable and impossible to be done. Furthermore, the government and other healthcare providers should also be there to help the society to give full awareness of health and diseases and on how to maintain health and prevent certain illnesses. There are several ways and method on how the government, public and private healthcare sectors on how to promote health and prevent diseases. Fist is through sanitation, which defines as the safe disposal of human waste may it be urine and faeces. Also, it is known as the maintenance of proper hygiene such as rubbish collection and water waste disposal. Second is pollution control which encompasses the air, water and land. However there is an argument on how control should be done and how much control that is needed. The pollution control or the â€Å"command and control† mechanism increases the expenditure in this strategy thus making it slow to achieve a cleaner environment. Third is food and drug safety, wherein to promote and protect health FDA or the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for this. Fourth is the health education. This is also important as it increases the awareness of the public with regards of health and safety. Fifth is disease surveillance wherein the spread of a certain disease is being monitored, observed, examined and supervise to know the patterns of its progression. Also, it observes, predicts and minimizes the harm that it may cause to the public. Sixth is urban planning which ensures the development of the communities such as in transportation, infrastructures and distribution networks. It needs thorough research, planning, analysis, management, implementation and recommendation from the government. Last one is occupational health and safety which targets the safety, health and welfare of the employees or people in the workplaces. Since there are several different methods on how the society can address the health, unfortunately resources are undoubtedly limited. As a result, there is a question of where should the society needs to invest first? Also, which sectors need the most financial aids? As the promotion of healthcare for the society is very important role of the government, they should consider the prioritization method which needs a greater emphasis on delivering healthcare. There are several sectors that need to prioritize first and less emphasize on access to healthcare. First is the prevention campaign. This includes the health education in public, pollution control, pesticide or chemical regulation, food and drug safety, disease surveillance and occupational health. There is a saying that â€Å"prevention is better than cure†. So it is believe that the government should invest the money on the said different prevention of the disease than treatment. Also, everyone can be benefitted from these services like clean water and air, safe food, sanitation, urban planning, control of pest and pesticides and disaster preparedness. Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness of these services is very important in consideration in healthcare and social policy. Moreover, there are also some drawbacks on having these strategies. First is that, one of its problems with having social responsibility for health, there is a tendency that it may encourage individuals to take less responsibility of their health. People might go dependent on those services. On the other hand, some healthcare services or health promotion can empower the individuals to look after their own health. For example, sex education, which gives every individual a knowledge on how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Urban planning can also give them healthy choices with regards to workplace, transportation and recreation. In conclusion, every individual and society itself has its own responsibility to take into account in which they live in. People should know how to look after their health and should also pay for their healthcare costs. People should not be also dependent on the amenities that the public services are offering. While the government and other healthcare services should not stop helping the community in health promotion and prevention for the welfare and development of the society. As to the national and international policy, these strategies are considered to be a big help as it is cost effective and easy to implement than building healthcare infrastructures which are costly and expensive.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Principle Of Duality States Computer Science Essay

The Principle Of Duality States Computer Science Essay To simplify a SOP for a Boolean expression using a K map, first identify all the input combinations that produce an output of logic level 1 and place them in their appropriate K map cell. Consequently, all other cells must contain zero (0). Second, group the adjacent cells that contain 1 in a manner that maximizes the size of the groups but also minimizes the total number of groups. All 1s in the output must be included in a group even if the group is only one cell. Third, as each SOP term represents an AND expression, each (AND) grouping is written with only the input variables that are common to the group. Finally, the simplified expression is formed by ORing each of the (AND) groups. To illustrate let us consider the function X =ABC+ABC+ABC whose truth table and K map are illustrated below: Truth table specifications for a logic function may not to include all possible combinations of the input binary digits for the input variables, yet they may still be complete specifications of the logic function for the prescribed application. In these situations certain input combinations will not occur due to the nature of the application. When the input combinations are irrelevant or cannot occur, the output states are in the Truth table and the K map are filled with an X and are referred to as dont care states. When simplifying K maps with dont care states, the contents of the undefined cells (1 or 0) are chosen according to preference. The aim is to enlarge group sizes thereby eliminating as many input variables from the simplified expression as possible. Only those Xs that assist in simplifying the function should be included in the groupings. No additional Xs should be added that would result in additional terms in the expression. THE TABULATION METHOD The K-map method is convenient as long as the number of variables does not exceed five or six, but when the number increases it becomes difficult to use this method. The tabulation method overcomes this difficulty, besides it is suitable for computer mechanisation. It was first formulated by Quine and later improved by McCluskey. It is also known as the Quine-McCluskey method. The tabular method of simplification consits of two parts: Determination of Prime Implicants. Selection of Essential Prime Implicants. The first part is covered in the software provided, the second part is not. Each minterm and its combined cells are included in the Minterm record, and linked lists techniques are used. Linked lists are the best way to manage unknown amount of data at run time instead of using a large array which is a waste of memory. The record used is: Pminterm = ^Minterm; Minterm = Record Number : Word; {This is to hold the decimal equivalent of the minterm} NumberOfOnes : Byte; {This is to hold the no. of 1s in the field Number} Selected : Boolean; {used as a tick when this term is selected} CellStr : String; { a string to hold all minterms that form a cell with this term } DashPlaceStr : String {a string to hold the place of the dash } Next : Pminterm { a pointer to the next record to form a linked list} End; The software procedure summarise as follows: The user enters the minterms in decimal equivalent. The program sorts minterms in the number of ones included in the binary equivalent (SortMinTerms). Any two minterms that differ from each other by only one variable are combined (done in FirstTabulation procedure), two minterms fit into this category if the number in the lower group is greater than that in the upper one, and the two numbers differ by a power of 2 e.g. ( 2d = 0010b and 10d = 1010b the difference is 8d which is a power of 2). Then the two numbers are copied to the second linked list ( First, Second, Vertex : Pminterm;). This procedure is carried for all the minterms. Matching groups are copied to second linked list while first one deleted. Then a second tabulation is carried in the SecondTabulation procedure, here each cell contained in the CellStr field of the Minterm record are compared together, a matching is found if the numbers in one cell are greater than the other one and they differs by a power of 2 e.g. (0,2 and 8,10 differs by 8 which is a power of two) . This procedure is carried for all the records in the second linked list and matching cells are copied to the first linked list, and any incomparable cells are copied to the Vertex linked list. Then the second linked list is deleted. The step 4 is repeated m 1 time where m is the number of inputs, transferring cells between first and second linked lists. The last linked list and the vertex linked list prime implicants are printed in the ABC equivalent using the WMterm procedure. My program architecture can be used to simplify any number of inputs, but practical limitations are in the Number field in the Minterm record which is a word i.e. 16 bits (16 inputs). Bearing in mind as well the simplified expression is contained in a string which is only 255 characters. Some inputs and corresponding outputs to try on the program: Boolean Expression Simplified Boolean Expression F(A,B,C) = S(0,6,7) ABC + AB F(A,B,C) = S(0,4,6,7) BC + AB + AC F(A,B,C,D,E,F) = S(4,5,6,7,36,37,38,39) BCD F(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) = S(16,17 up to 31,144,145 up to 159) BCD VARIABLE ENTERED METHOD (VEM) The conventional logic minimization is time consuming easy only for 4-5 variables. It becomes difficult to solve using conventional K-map method when number of variables goes on increasing. In that case Variable Entered Method will be good idea to use. It represents values of functions in terms of its variables called map entered variables. A new method for obtaining a compact subsumptive general solution of a system of Boolean equations is presented. The method relies on the use of the variable-entered Karnaugh map (VEKM) to achieve successive elimination through successive map folding. It is superior in efficiency and simplicity to methods employing Marquand diagrams or Conventional Karnaugh maps; it requires the construction of significantly smaller maps and produces such maps in a minimization-ready form. Moreover, the method is applicable to general Boolean equations and is not restricted to the two-valued case. Combinational Sequential Circuits Combinational logic circuits implement Boolean functions. Boolean functions are mappings of input bitstrings to output bitstrings. These circuits are functions of input only. What does that mean? It means that if you feed in an input to a circuit, say, 000, then look at its output, and discover it is, say, 10, then the output will always be 10 for that circuit, if 000 is the input. 000 is mapped to 10. If that value were not the same every single time, then the output must not completely depend on 000. Something else must be affecting the output. Combinational logic circuits always depend on input. Another way to define something that is a function of input is to imagine that you are only allowed to use input variables xk-1,,x0, i.e. data inputs, cm-1,,c0, i.e., control inputs, to write the function. This function can not depend on global variables or other variables. Like combinational logic circuits, a sequential logic circuit has inputs (labelled with x with subscripts) and outputs (labelled with z with subscripts). Unike combinational logic circuits, a sequential logic circuit uses a clock. Also, there is a box inside the circuit called State. This box contains flip flops. Assume it has k flip flops. The flip flops basically store a k-bit number representing the current state. The output z is computed based on the inputs (x with subscripts) and the state coming out of the state box (q with subscripts). The state may be updated at each positive clock edge. When theres not a positive clock edge, the state remains unchanged. The information needed to update to the state (called the next state) comes from the current state (the current value of q) and the input, which is fed through combinational logic, and fed back into the state box, telling the state box how to update itself. A sequential circuit uses flip flops. Unlike combinational logic, sequential circuits have state, which means basically, sequential circuits have memory. The main difference between sequential circuits and combinational circuits is that sequential circuits compute their output based on input and state, and that the state is updated based on a clock. Combinational logic circuits implement Boolean functions, so they are functions only of their inputs, and are not based on clocks. The S-R Latch A bistable multivibrator has two stable states, as indicated by the prefix bi in its name. Typically, one state is referred to as set and the other as reset. The simplest bistable device, therefore, is known as a set-reset, or S-R, latch. To create an S-R latch, we can wire two NOR gates in such a way that the output of one feeds back to the input of another, and vice versa, like this: The Q and not-Q outputs are supposed to be in opposite states. I say supposed to because making both the S and R inputs equal to 1 results in both Q and not-Q being 0. For this reason, having both S and R equal to 1 is called an invalid or illegal state for the S-R multivibrator. Otherwise, making S=1 and R=0 sets the multivibrator so that Q=1 and not-Q=0. Conversely, making R=1 and S=0 resets the multivibrator in the opposite state. When S and R are both equal to 0, the multivibrators outputs latch in their prior states. The Clocked D-Latch Since the enable input on a gated S-R latch provides a way to latch the Q and not-Q outputs without regard to the status of S or R, we can eliminate one of those inputs to create a multivibrator latch circuit with no illegal input states. Such a circuit is called a D latch, and its internal logic looks like this: Note that the R input has been replaced with the complement (inversion) of the old S input, and the S input has been renamed to D. As with the gated S-R latch, the D latch will not respond to a signal input if the enable input is 0 it simply stays latched in its last state. When the enable input is 1, however, the Q output follows the D input. Since the R input of the S-R circuitry has been done away with, this latch has no invalid or illegal state. Q and not-Q are always opposite of one another. Master-Slave Flip-Flops A master-slave flip-flop is constructed from two seperate flip-flops. One circuit serves as a master and the other as a slave. The logic diagram of an SR flip-flop is shown in figure below. The master flip-flop is enabled on the positive edge of the clock pulse CP and the slave flip-flop is disabled by the inverter. The information at the external R and S inputs is transmitted to the master flip-flop. When the pulse returns to 0, the master flip-flop is disabled and the slave flip-flop is enabled. The slave flip-flop then goes to the same state as the master flip-flop. Logic diagram of a master-slave flip-flop The timing relationship is shown in Figure below and is assumed that the flip-flop is in the clear state prior to the occurrence of the clock pulse. The output state of the master-slave flip-flop occurs on the negative transition of the clock pulse. Some master-slave flip-flops change output state on the positive transition of the clock pulse by having an additional inverter between the CP terminal and the input of the master. Timing relationship in a master slave flip-flop Edge Triggered Devices Another type of flip-flop that synchronizes the state changes during a clock pulse transition is the edge-triggered flip-flop. When the clock pulse input exceeds a specific threshold level, the inputs are locked out and the flip-flop is not affected by further changes in the inputs until the clock pulse returns to 0 and another pulse occurs. Some edge-triggered flip-flops cause a transition on the positive edge of the clock pulse (positive-edge-triggered), and others on the negative edge of the pulse (negative-edge-triggered). The logic diagram of a D-type positive-edge-triggered flip-flop is shown in figure below: D-type positive-edge triggered flip-flop When using different types of flip-flops in the same circuit, one must ensure that all flip-flop outputs make their transitions at the same time, ie., during either the negative edge or the positive edge of the clock pulse.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Cultural Displacement :: Personal Narrative Traveling Essays

Cultural Displacement I sidestepped the bald man next to me who was ordering what looked like duck feet, in rapid Malaysian. Looking down at my green plastic tray, like those often found in high school lunch rooms, I saw the square banana leaf piled high with plain white rice looking back. The thought of â€Å"foods† like fish eyes, stuffed animal intestine, or any kind of pickled hoof on my rice made my gag reflexes kick into high gear. I paid for my abysmal lunch, a measly dollar fifty US, smiled at the man at the register, and walked to a nearby table. It had been three days and I had eaten little more than white rice and clear broth for most of that time. I knew later I’d be doubled over, in agonizing pain over my empty stomach but I still couldn’t bring myself to eat the meals in the food court. â€Å"Not feeling adventurous today?† My dad’s girlfriend plopped down in the seat next to me and began munching with gusto. She had been brave at this meal; her plate was covered in some brown thing, it might have been a vegetable and I sincerely hoped it was, though chose not to ask. Instead I smiled weakly and began to eat my rice with a severely bent metal fork. Metal forks in an Asian country? You’re probably wondering where all the chopsticks went. In fact, I was probably one of the few people in the vicinity who actually could use a chopstick. There’s a good reason behind this madness and it all starts with the British. Until about forty years ago, Singapore was colonized by the British. It seems strange but then again the British would have colonized a tea bag, given the chance. England also had colonized Hong Kong but was afraid of losing this major business and financial center to communism, a legitimate fear because that’s eventually what happened. Fortunately they had already created a clone Hong Kong on a tiny island off the tip of Malaysia. That island was called Singapore. In an effort to keep the business integrity that had been in Hong Kong, Chinese business men were brought in. The British eventually began to relinquish many of their colonies and when they finally left Singapore in the mid 1960s, the Chinese business men, who were the superpower that made Singapore the world trading center it was, took control of power.

What Is Music? :: Music

What Is Music? According to the dictionary music is having rhythm, melody, or harmony. But it's really underestimated, more so than anyone actually realizes! Music is a learning, a therapy, and teaching tool. Music adjusts our moods, and used throughout our lives. To lead a healthy life, we need to incorporate music. Whether playing it, listening to it, or using it. Music is therapy because of its positive changes in human behavior. The therapy consist of singing, playing instruments, moving to music, and listening to music. This builds your communication skills, motor skills and emotional development. Music comes into our lives at an early age. I wake up crying from a terrifying nightmare, looking around for my mommy. The light turns on. She comes up and sits on the bed, saying everything is O.K. I tell her a monster was coming after me, in between my heavy breathing, A light peaceful voice starts coming out of her mouth. "Rock a bye baby on the tree top, when the wind blows the cradle will rock." My eyes slowly shout and I'm back to sleep again. We learn music in Elementary School. Don't you remember learning your first song and singing it to all the parents? It's a great learning tool for the teachers. Music is everywhere including in an elevator. As I step in to an elevator, sea of staring faces and in an enclosed space, my heart beats a little faster. The first thing heard is the music, with its relaxing and calms melody. We have something for our mind to focus on, and not all the people around you or to remember that we're claustrophobic. Music is every where we go, even in store. What the purpose of this?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Employee Theft Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Employee Theft The following memorandum written by a director of a security and safety consulting service discusses a critical issue effecting business in our economy today, that of employee theft. "Our research indicated that, over past six years, no incident of employee theft have been reported within ten of the companies that have been our clients. In analyzing the security practices of these ten companies, we have further learned that each of them requires its employees to wear photo identification badges while at work. In the future, we should recommend the uses of such identification badges to all of our clients." The issue of employee theft is a broad problem and has different labels to identify it, shrinkage for the retail industry and hidden profit loss in the technology sector are serval examples of common terms used for employee theft. The author of this memorandum presents several data points and suggests one recommendation to effect the issue of employee theft based on a sampling of th e client population. The overall recommendation of "†¦the use of such identification badges to all of our clients." sounds reasonible. A closer look at the conclusion that identification badges alone will resolve the greater issue of employee theft is difficult to support with the amount and type of data given. In today's complex business environment, an identification badge would not address much greater corporate assets and their protection. To the technology industry for ...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Smartphones Effect on Teenagers

Josh Frint Lawrence ENG 1113 26 September 2012 Essay #1 Smartphones Impact on Todays students Today, smartphones are in the hands of almost every student. It has become so common that young children are starting to ask their parents for one. Although nobody can deny the ability to find and use information fast on a smartphone, many people feel students should not have one. These smartphones are effecting verbal communication, writing skills, as well as increasing laziness in our students. Verbal communication is increasingly becoming a problem in today’s society and it is because of smartphones.Our generation is known as the â€Å"texting generation†. These days, students talk to their friends using text messages or calling. This takes away our ability to talk to someone face to face. It affects college graduates not being confident enough to present themselves properly in an interview with a future employer. Texting interaction leaves out basic skills like, clear speak ing, body language, eye contact with the person to whom they are speaking too, and the ability to listen and stay focused on what the person is saying.More and more these days students go to their phones or computers when needing to write an essay. Students search Google and various other search engines to help find the most up to date information, although the information is handy and very tempting, it is creating pure laziness in todays society. These smartphones contain encyclopedias, dictionaries and as we all know, the internet. There is no exerted effort into collecting this information, students are too lazy to read a book and quite frankly, some just don’t have time.Also, students are being distracted by cellphones. It is causing lack of focus and discipline. Often times students will sit down to study and all of the sudden hear their phone go off, and they’ll get self-indulged into the conversation and no longer continue to study. Students are becoming unable to concentrate on the task at hand would rather be using their phones to be texting friends, updating their Facebook statuses or even Re-Tweeting what their best friend ate for dinner.Writing skills are on the free fall, and it is all because of our students’ use of smartphones. Think about it, back in the day, society would take pride in being able to read and write, it was a hobby and many people did it for fun. Today, writing is frowned upon by any student. Our writing skills have vanished due to our lack of proper English usage. Students send text messages that would even confuse Shakespeare like â€Å"OMG† or â€Å"LOL†. Essays are now a problem for students because they lack the ability to think in depth.Through text messages we get straight to the point and do not have the meaningful, in depth conversation that people have face to face. Smartphones are here, and aren’t going anywhere. In fact, the technology will likely become more advanced and mor e easily accessible to our students, which is fine, as long as those advancements aren’t being abused by our students. Parents and schools play a vital role in fixing this problem, parents must show children the appropriate use of smartphones, and schools must continue to create ways to move around the path of technology.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Remedies – Contracts Act 1950

REMEDIES †¢ method by which an injured party enforces a right or corrects a loss. It will depend on the nature of breach and the result will be differ between parties. The remedies available for breach of contract are: 1) RESCISSION †¢ An equitable remedy available at the discretion of the judge. It is available where a contract is voidable as a result of a vitiating factor such as misrepresentation, undue influence or duress. It will not cover damages. Car &Universal Credit v Cadwell Norris had paid ? 10 cash deposit and left another car as security and gave a cheque for ? 65 to Cadwell for Jaguar car purchased. The next day, Caldwell went to cash the cheque and discovered it was fraudulent and the car left as deposit turned out to be stolen. The court held that Mr Caldwell had successfully rescinded the contract. He had taken all steps possible to demonstrate that he no longer wished to be bound by the contract. He should not be prejudiced by the fact that his endeavours failed to locate Norris. 2) RESTITUTION †¢ It is not contractual and does not rely on plaintiff damages (quasi-contract). One party knowingly has received a benefit to which party is not entitled.An arrangement imposed by judge to rectify an occurrence of unjust enrichment. Sinclair v Brougham The society became insolvent, and the question arose how to divide up assets. By the time of the action, the only live issue was between some of the â€Å"B† shareholders and the depositors in the bank, the position of the â€Å"A† shareholders and trade creditors having been settled by agreement. The court held that the bank’s actions had been ultra vires and void, and that there was no possibility for the depositors to recover under quasi-contract. 3) DAMAGES It is a legal remedy available for breach of contract. Damages are an award of money to compensate the innocent party. The primary purpose of damages is to place the injured party in the position they would hav e been in had the contract been performed. †¢ Types of Damages:  There are basically four broad categories of damages: ? Compensatory (to cover direct losses and costs). ? Consequential (to cover indirect and foreseeable losses). ? Punitive (to punish and deter wrongdoing). ? Nominal (to recognize wrongdoing when no monetary loss is shown) An award of damages is subject to the application of the rules on causation, remoteness and a duty to mitigate loss. †¢ Provision : Section 74 & 75 CA Heng Hang Khim v Sineo Enterprise Sdn Bhd The court held that where the defendant failed to deliver vacant possession of a condo unit before the 36-month period as stipulated in the S&P agreement. The plaintiff was entitled to a refund of the sum paid which was compensation for loss & damage caused by breach of contract. Selva Kumar a/l Murugiah v Thiagarajah a/l Retnasamy The court held that there is no distinction between liquidated damage and penalties.In view of section 75 which prov ides that in every case the court must determine what is the reasonable compensation. Any failure to prove the damages will result in refusal to award such damages. †¢ Remoteness A claimant may only recover losses which may reasonably be considered as arising naturally from the breach or those which may reasonably be supposed to be in the contemplation of the parties at the time the contract was made. Hadley v Baxendale Due to neglect of the Defendant, the crankshaft was returned 7 days late to the plaintiff.The plaintiff unable to use the mill during this time and claimed for loss of profit. The Defendant argued that he was unaware that the mill would have to be closed during the delay and therefore the loss of profit was too remote. The court held that Hadley would have been entitled to recover lost profits from the five extra days the mill was inoperable. However, the rule should be that the damages were those fairly and reasonably considered to have arisen naturally from th e breach itself, or such as may be reasonably supposed to have been in the contemplation of both parties at the time the contract was made. Mitigation of Loss The law imposes a duty upon the person claiming damages to take all reasonable steps to reduce or mitigate their loss. If the plaintiff is able to avoid loss, damages will not be recoverable for the potential loss that the plaintiff may have suffered. Payzu v Sauders The court held that the claimant was not entitled to damages. He was given the opportunity to purchase at the discounted price but rejected this. He was under a duty to take reasonable steps to mitigate his loss. The offer was a reasonable one and one which the claimant could easily have complied with. ) SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE It is a discretionary order granted by the courts directing a person to carry out their obligations under contract. It is not generally used in breach of contract actions unless damages prove to be inadequate. When the court cannot supervise t he implementation of contract, it will not generally grant specific performance. Ryan v Mutual Tontine Westminster Chamber Association The lessor agreed to provide porter who would be ‘constantly in attendance’ but the porter also works as a chef. In his absence while working as chef, other person will perform his duties.The issue was whether tenant could seek an order of specific performance against the porter that he carries out his obligations. The court was not prepared to order specific performance because it would have had to constantly supervise the porter’s attendance. Lamare v Dixon The plaintiff induced the defendant to agree to take a lease of cellars by orally promising they would be made dry. The promise had no effect as a misrepresentation as it related to the future. The court refused the plaintiff specific performance since he had made no attempt to perform his promise.Cohen v Roche The court refused the specific performance to a buyer of a set of Hepplewhite chairs saying that they were ‘ordinary articles of commerce and of no special value or interest'. The buyer was contracting with a view to resale and for personal use. 5) INJUNCTION †¢ It is a discretionary court order. Unlike specific performance, this is a court order restraining a party from breaking their contract or from committing a wrongful act and will not be awarded if damages are an adequate remedy. An injunction may be: ? Prohibitory – preventing the breach of contract. ? Mandatory – requiring a person to perform some contractual obligation. ? Interlocutory – where it freezes the status quo between the parties until the dispute can be heard by court. Neoh Siew Eng & Anor v Too Chee Kwang (mandatory example) The landlord had cut the water supply. An injunction was granted requiring the landlord to keep all communication pipes in proper repair so that water supply to the premises would not be disconnected.Broome (Selangor) Rubber Plantations v R H Whitley (prohibitory example) An injunction was granted restraining an employee from entering into employment as a manager or assistant of any plantation in the States of Selangor and Negeri Sembilan other than the estate of his employers until the expiry of his contract of service. This is equivalent to â€Å"the specific performance by the court of that negative bargain which the parties have made†. †¢ Mareva Injunction It prevents the defendant removing or disposing any assets in the jurisdiction until the court makes decision.Mareva Compania Naviera SA v International Bulk Carriers SA, The Mareva. The shipowner hired out their ship (Mareva) to the defendant with half-monthly in advance. The defendant were only able to meet the first two installments, Mareva sued for damages and unpaid hire. They also sought an injunction to stop hirer removing any monies received from the voyage. The issue whether an injunction was obtainable to prevent the removal before judgment. The court held that an injunction was granted to continue until the dispute came to trial to prevent the defendants from disposing any assets. ) ANTON PILLER ORDER May be made available in exceptional circumstances. It is a  court  order that provides the right to search premises and seize evidence without prior warning. This prevents destruction of relevant  evidence, particularly in cases of alleged trademark, copyright or patent infringements. Anton Piller v Manufacturing Processes Ltd The plaintiff was under the belief that one of its agents was supplying confidential information to one of their competitors. However, they are concerned that subpoena would give ample time for the agent to destroy evidence.The issue was whether the company could obtain an order enabling them to enter the agent’s premises to inspect the documents. The court granted the order as there was strong prima facie case of infringement which could cause damage to applicant and clear evidence that the defendants had incriminating the material in their possession which they could destroy. 7) QUANTUM MERUIT Quantum meruit means â€Å"as much as he deserved†. It is the determination of value of the services extended based on the amount of work and the rate of work existing there for similar work, when an agreement or contract is not existing between the parties.The contract may be discharge by breach but where the contract is for goods & services, there is a new implied contract imposed by law on the party taking benefit that they will pay reasonable amount of quantum. †¢ Can arise where: ? A defendant has prevented a plaintiff from carrying out their contractual duties. ? The parties cannot agree on payment ? The parties agree on payment for the part-performance but not the actual amount. Sumpter v Hedges The claimant agreed to build two houses and was agreed that ? 565 would be payable on completion.The claimant done a little more than half job and then ran out of money and was unable to complete. Then defendant completed the work himself. The issue was whether the claimant could recover payment for work done. The contract was entire and not divisible. So, the claimant could not recover under it. Furthermore, it is not defendants fault he could not complete the job and so there was no entitlement for quantum meruit. While the defendant obtained the benefit, it did not constitute acceptance of partial performance in this case.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Crisis Management and Communication in Organizations Essay

1. Introduction In the modern changing world a crisis can happen anywhere. It cannot be expected. And Effective Communication is really important when managing a crisis as one mistake done by the Organization can affect the whole Organization itself, its stakeholders and the Industry. It even could threaten public safety, the financial position of the organization and the reputation. It can lead to disruption of operation creating loss of market (W.T Coombs, 2007). That’s where communication comes in handy as lack of communication between the Society and the Organization can lead to distress, this is the where verbal and non verbal communication is really important. Referring to the case of Dominos pizza (New York Times ,2009), when two employs of the Dominos franchise in Conover, N.C, played a video prank with the food and putting the video on YouTube, the Management waited hoping that it will blow away and that is what went wrong. There was no news from them in the first 24 hrs. Instead of answering the queries of the consumers and the media they waited in the hope that it will cool down which never happened (New York Times, 2009). In a situation like this it’s really important to face the society and tell them what’s going on, should communicate with them verbally and non verbally or else the society will keep the image of the organization the way they want, good or bad. When in crisis after appointing a spokes person, it’s really important for the spokesperson to be calm and pleasant when confronting the media avoiding nervous habits ensuring the limit of disfluencies such as â€Å"umhs† or â€Å"uhs†, while avoiding fidgeting and pacing (W.T Coombs,2007). There is a good crisis example in 1993 â€Å"The Pepsi product tempering in 1993† (M.Hubbard,2006).They proved that effective communication in the Organization and effective crisis public relations campaign combining various strategies can rebound the hoax(M.Hubbard,2006). When dealing with media regarding a business crisis, it’s really important for the organization to stick to what they say if the statements given by the organization keeps on changing, dealing with the public relations will be a total disaster. They have to be very clear about what they say avoiding the statements which doesn’t make sense keeping it simple with limited information for the time being. 2. The Crisis 2.1. Communication Tactics It was clear in the case of Dominos pizza (New York Times, 2009) that management wasn’t aware of the situation unless a blogger alerted the Domino’s vice president of communications Tim McIntyre. There was no reaction from the management first as they didn’t want to alert more people to the story. And according to the Adage, a trade publication, Dominos response was late as in a situation like this the firm should be responsive to the crisis in the first 24 hrs and domino’s took 48 hrs to be fully responsive (R.Flandez, 2009). Just for the sake that more people might be alerted there was no issue of formal press release to mainstream press meanwhile the internal team was busy to form a strategy. After the management came to know of the videos they started to search for the two employs of dominos that were responsible for the videos with the help of bloggers and YouTube, and little that they realized that 70% of the conversation was going on Twitter and YouTube. As the Crisis began and most of the conversations were going on within the Social Networks from dominos they opened a twitter account to be responsive to the consumers and the society, even the President of the domino’s pizza Patrick Doyle appeared on a YouTube video and explained the present situation of Domino’s and that the store where the video was shot were closed and sanitized, for the efforts of Domino’s Richard Levick, President of the Levick Communications gives an â€Å"F† for the first 24 hrs and an â€Å"A† for the rest (R.Flandez,2009). By using the social Networks domino’s managed to handle the situation well. 2.2. Goods and Bads During the crisis, It could be clearly seen that even though Dominos was in a bad situation they didn’t jump on defending just because they might attract more people and they didn’t hold anything like a press conference, which wasn’t appropriate during that situation, but they did upload a video on YouTube and opened a twitter account to defend dominos and to tell people what was going on which was a good thing they did. The YouTube and twitter response was good but what about the older generation?, the people who are not on any of these but still a fan of dominos, they will only hear what people say considering there was no press conference or statement on TV which is a direct source of information to the Public. From dominos if they had got on TV they could have told the public as whole that they are working on the crisis and what they are doing about it. Even in the YouTube video the president of Dominos pizza Patrick Doyle stated that the store where the video shot was taken by the pranksters was closed and sanitized (R.Flandez,2009),they could have invited the Media ( TV stations and reporters) to witness the process. Even though the two employs of Dominos were fired after the video they could have managed to get a live statement of what actually happened and why they did it. It could have given extra support to prove the innocence of the whole organization. In the case of Pepsi-Cola in 1993(M.Hubbard,2006) when a man in Tacoma, Washington claimed that he had found a syringe in a can of diet Pepsi, the story started spreading like wild fire in the country more claims started arising. Pepsi-Cola announced that they will pursue legal action against anyone making false claims and started work on proving the innocence of Pepsi-Cola, and the claims did turn out to be a hoax. The president of Pepsi Craig Weatherup made appearances on TV and gave statements on radio. They even brought in cameras to the Pepsi bottling plant to show the bottling process and proved that there is no way that a foreign object could be inserted in to bottle or can before its sealed(M.Hubbard,2006), which is a very good example of communication in crisis. Dominos did make mistakes but they still managed the situation at a time there was no Social media plat forms or strategy in the Organization (M.Agnes, 2012) 3. Recommendations After the incident took place on 13th April 2009.a study conducted by HCD Research found 65% of respondents who were daily customers hesitates to do so after watching the offending video(R.Flandez,2009). Recommendations are many for this kind of situations. Like they could have prepared a communication list of reporters investors and customers, business partners and advisors and give to an official statement instead of waiting without any actions like in the dominos case and also admitting that there is a problem helps to move on with the others steps of the process to overcome the crisis(M.Nowlan, 2006).Many companies give out the phrase â€Å" no comment† and that is not the best thing to do as the public will conclude the situation making the Company guilty. And also respond to the situation as quickly as possible (M.Nowlan, 2006). 4.Conclusion As Effective communication plays a major role in the business organization it’s really important for the organizations to be ready for what might come for them. As one single mistake made by them at a time of crisis can lead to a loss which would be difficult to get over. As in the case of Dominos they were nearly out of business, there was couple of things which could have been done from the company side which were neglected in communicating the public. It’s important to take action internally but considering the company to be a service provider, issues will rise in a speed that no human can expect it that way. Let this case be a lesson to all the service providers to improve their image for the future.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Electronic Dance Music Essay

Electronic dance music (also known as EDM, dance music, club music, or simply dance) is a set of percussive electronic music genres produced primarily for dance-based entertainment environments, such as nightclubs. Dance music is generally produced for use by DJs and is most often presented in the context of a DJ mix.[1] So called â€Å"DJ producers† often perform live sets of their own dance music productions via a live PA.[2][3] In 2010, the acronym â€Å"EDM† was adopted by the American music industry and music press as a buzzword to describe the increasingly commercial US electronic dance music scene.[4][5] Other dance music communities have questioned the idea of EDM as blanket term for all electronic dance music and the term has instead been associated with specific dance sub-genres that became popular in the US, such as electro house and brostep.[6] A notable example of an early form of EDM is the 1977 collaboration between producer Giorgio Moroder and vocalist Donna Summer on the song â€Å"I Feel Love†, a groundbreaking dance/discothà ¨que hit with no traditional instruments.[7] The first era of electronic music comprises the instruments and music created prior to 1945.[8] The new field of information science inspired composers to explore the use of computers to compose and synthesize music, beginning in the 1950s.[9] The development of computer technology historically paralleled the development of the modern electronic music studio and synthesizer, leading to a cross-fertilization of the two fields that greatly benefited electronic music.[10] Birth of club music See also: Hi-NRG, Electronic body music, Euro disco, Synthpop, Italo disco, Electro (music), Garage music (North America), Post-disco and House music Hi-NRG (pronounced â€Å"high energy†)[11] is a style of uptempo disco or electronic dance music that originated in the United States and United Kingdom during the late 1970s. As a music genre, typified by a fast tempo (c. 140 bpm), staccato hi-hat rhythms (and the four-on-the-floor pattern), reverberated â€Å"intense† vocals, â€Å"pulsating† octave basslines, was particularly influential on the electronic dance music scene. Its earliest association was with Italo disco, which incorporated new American electronic sounds of post-disco and hi-NRG. Later, the genre became essential in the evolution of techno, and, to a lesser but important  degree, house music.[11] Artists like Daft Punk, Jus† ice or Calvin Harris represent only a small portion of those artists, coming mostly from a house music and electro-funk background, who gained a renewed interest in hi-NRG.[citation needed] Acid house and Rave See also: Acid house, Techno, Rave and Second Summer of Love Roland TB-303: The bass line synthesizer that was used prominently in acid house. Love Parade 1997 in Berlin. By 1988, house music had exploded in the UK and Germany with acid house becoming increasingly popular.[12] There was also a long-established warehouse party subculture based around the sound system scene. In 1988, the music played at warehouse parties was predominantly house. That same year, the Balearic party vibe associated with Ibiza based DJ Alfredo Fiorito was transported to London, whenDanny Rampling and Paul Oakenfold opened the clubs â€Å"Shoom† and â€Å"Spectrum,† respectively. Both night spots became synonymous with acid house, and it was during this period that the use of MDMA, as a party drug, started to gain prominence. Other important UK clubs at this time included â€Å"Back to Basics† in Leeds, Sheffield’s â€Å"Leadmill† and â€Å"Music Factory,† and in Manchester â€Å"The Haà §ienda,† where Mike Pickering and Graeme Park’s Friday night spot, â€Å"Nude,† was an important testing ground for American u nderground [13] dance music. Acid house party fever escalated in London and Manchester, and it quickly became a cultural phenomenon. MDMA-fueled club goers, faced with 2 A.M. closing hours, sought refuge in the warehouse party scene that ran all night. To escape the attention of the press and the authorities, this after-hours activity quickly went underground. Within a year, however, up to 10,000 people at a time were attending the first commercially organized mass parties, called raves, and a media storm ensued.[14] The success of house and acid house paved the way for Detroit Techno, a style that was initially supported by a handful of house music clubs in Chicago, New York, and Northern England, with Detroit clubs catching up later.[15] According to British DJ Mark Moore it was Derrick May’s†Strings of Life† that eased London  club-goers into acceptance of house, with Moore stating that: â€Å"I was on a mission because most people hated house music and it was all rare groove and hip hop†¦I’d play Strings of Life at the Mud Club and clear the floor. Three weeks later you could see pockets of people come onto the floor, dancing to it and going crazy – and this was without ecstasy.† [16][17] During the 1990s, events such as the Love Parade in Germany attracted large numbers of attendees, but this subsided after the start of the next millennium.[citation needed] One of the popular raves or EDM concert in the United States of America is Electric Daisy Carnival also known as EDC. EDC 2012 rave had over 85,000 people at Las Vegas Motor Speedway.[18] EDC at Las Vegas Motor Speedway has 6 stages for the DJ.[19] Not only there have 6 stages, they have amusement rides such as ferris wheel and numerous amounts of roller coasters.[20] Ever since EDC moved from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, they have been making more ticket sales.[21] EDC sold more than 230,000 tickets.[22] Also, another popular EDM concerts or raves in the United States of America is called Hard Summer.[23] Hard Summer is more an EDM concert that consist hip-hop, reggae, and rock that is infused with EDM style.[23] Los Angeles sold more than 40,000 tickets[23] North American commercialization of EDM Initially, electronic dance music achieved limited popular exposure in America when it was marketed as â€Å"electronica† during the mid to late 1990s.[24] At that time, a wave of electronic music bands from the UK, including The Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim and Underworld, had been prematurely associated with an â€Å"American electronica revolution.†[25][26] But, instead of EDM finding wider mainstream success, it was relegated to the margins of the industry.[25] Despite the domestic music media interest in â€Å"electronica† during the latter half of the 1990s, American house and techno producers continued to travel abroad to establish their careers as DJs and producers.[25] By the mid-2000s, a number of factors led to an increased prominence for dance acts in North America that was larger than previously observed. Daft Punk’s performance at the 2006 Coachella Festival—the first in the duo’s Alive 2006/2007 tour, which featured the introduction of a unique pyramid-shaped stage design and lighting rig, influenced what Spindescribed as an â€Å"arms race† for visual  effects in electronic music. Spin also considered the act to be a â€Å"tipping point† for EDM, as the appearance fueled nostalgia of the electronica era, and introduced the duo to a new generation of â€Å"rock kids†.[25] In 2009, French house musician David Guetta began to gain prominence in mainstream pop music after the 2009 release of â€Å"When Love Takes Over† (featuring the vocals of Kelly Rowland), which was internationally popular on both pop and dance music charts. The success of the song led to further collaborations with other pop and hip-hop acts, such asAkon (â€Å"Sexy Bitch†) and The Black Eyed Peas.[27] His collaboration with the latter, â€Å"I Gotta Feelin g†, was a major success for both The Black Eyed Peas and Guetta—in the U.S., the song achieved sales of 249,000 downloads and debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at number two, behind their previous single â€Å"Boom Boom Pow†.[28] The song eventually reached number 1 on July 30, 2009, and Billboard magazine reported that the song, along with â€Å"Boom Boom Pow,† helped the group maintain a 17-week run at the top of the Hot 100, the longest time period achieved by a single, duo or group.[29] The increased prominence of EDM was also fueled by concerts and festivals, such as Electric Daisy Carnival, that placed an increased emphasis on visual experiences (such as video and lighting effects), fashion (which The Guardian characterized as an evolution from the 1990s â€Å"kandi raver† into â€Å"[a] slick and sexified yet also kitschy-surreal image midway between Venice Beach and Cirque Du Soleil, Alice In Wonderland, Willy Wonka and a Gay Pride parade†), and the DJs themselves, who began to attain celebrity-like statuses. Websites such as YouTube and SoundCloud also helped fuel an increased interest in house and other types of electronic music, such as electro house and dubstep—both of which had also developed a hard rock-influenced sound popularized by producers such as Excision, Knife Party, Rusko and, most prominently, American producer Skrillex.[30][31] In 2011 Spin declared the start of a â€Å"new rave generation,† led by names such as Guetta, Canadian producer Deadmau5, and Skrillex, that was followed by a new wave of mainstream consumers.[25] Elements of EDM also began to emerge in songs by mainstream artists, as collaborations occurred with artists such as Afrojack and Calvin Harris.[25]EDM producers and DJs also began experiencing success playing club shows in U.S. cities such as Las Vegas; at the time, Diplo argued that promoters could generate higher profits from DJs  over other acts, stating that â€Å"a band plays, it’s 45 minutes; DJs can play for four hours. Rock bands—there’s a few headliner dudes that can play 3,000-4,000-capacity venues, but DJs play the same venues, they turn the crowd over two times, people buy drinks all night long at higher prices—it’s a win-win.†[25] Other major acts gaining prominence during this period, such as Avicii and Swedish House Mafia, elected to hold concert tours at major venues such as arenas alongside nightclub appearances; in December 2011, Swedish House Mafia became the first electronic music act to sell out New York City’s Madison Square Garden.[30] In November 2013, Music Trades magazine called EDM the fastest growing genre on the planet.[32] In addition to the growth of EDM through live events and the Internet, radio and television were also credited with helping to increase mainstream attention: analysts noted that sales of Calvin Harris’s â€Å"Feel So Close† and Swedish House Mafia’s â€Å"Don’t You Worry Child† dramatically increased after they began receiving contemporary hit radio airplay.[33] EDM songs and artists have been featured in television commercials and programs, while some artists have produced more pop-oriented songs to make their work more accessible to a mainstream audience.[34] In January 2013, Billboard introduced a new EDM-focused Dance/Electronic Songs chart, tracking the top 50 electronic songs based on sales, radio airplay, club play, and online streaming.[35] Corporate investment in EDM In accordance with the significant growth in mainstream popularity, EDM became increasingly attractive to outside investors, with some comparing it to the dot-com boom of the late-1990s. The beginning of corporate consolidation in the EDM industry began in 2012; especially in terms of live events. In June 2012, media executive Robert F. X. Sillerman (founder of what is now Live Nation) re-launched SFX Entertainment as an EDM-focused conglomerate, and announced his plan to invest US$1 billion for the acquisition of EDM-related properties. His purchases included a number of regional promoters and festivals (including ID&T, organizers of the annual Tomorrowland festival in Belgium), along with two nightclub operators in Miami, U.S., and Beatport, an EDM-oriented online music store.[36][37] The current Live Nation has also made investments into EDM, with its acquisition of Cream Holdings and Hard  Events, and announced a â€Å"creative partnership† with Insomniac Events in 2013;[38] CEO Michael Rapino believed that EDM was the new â€Å"rock ‘n’ roll† of the generation.[39][40][41] Advertisers have also increasingly associated themselves with the EDM industry; for example, alcoholic beverage companies such as Heineken and Anheuser-Busch have maintained marketing relationships with the Ultra Music Festival and SFX, respectively. Heineken also incorporated Dutch producers, such as Armin van Buuren and Tiesto, into their marketing campaigns. Avicii’s manager Ash Pournouri compared the increasingly commercial EDM industry to the transformation and commercialization of hip hop, which occurred in the early 2000s, arguing that the â€Å"corporate world† was beginning to â€Å"catch on† to EDM.[34] iHeartMedia, Inc. (formerly Cl ear Channel Communications), the largest commercial U.S. radio conglomerate, launched a dance radio format in Boston on December 20, 2012 under the brand Evolution 101.7. Marketed as the â€Å"first real EDM station† in the United States, the station, which changed its call letters to WEDX, was an extension of the Evolutioninternet radio channel on the company’s iHeartRadio service. The company also hired prominent British DJ and BBC Radio 1 personality Pete Tong to produce content for Evolution.[42] In June 2014, the dance/EDM format of WEDX was dropped in favor of country music; the format, however, was moved to the HD Radio subchannel of a sister station.[43][44][45] The 2014 business report by International Music Summit (IMS), estimates the EDM industry market worth $6.2 billion a year.[46] Criticism of commercial EDM Despite the growing mainstream acceptance of EDM, a number of producers and DJs, including Carl Cox, Steve Lawler, and Markus Schulz, have raised concerns that the perceived over-commercialization of dance music has impacted the â€Å"art† of DJing. Cox sees the â€Å"press-play† approach of a new generation of EDM DJs as not being representative of what he calls the â€Å"DJ ethos†.[30] Writing in Mixmag DJ Tim Sheridan questioned whether or not EDM was responsible for affecting the art of traditional DJing.[47] Sheridan contends that the emergence of â€Å"push-button DJs† who use auto-sync functions and pre-recorded sets featuring â€Å"obvious hits† rather than a diverse selection of music has led to a situation where â€Å"the spectacle, money and the showbiz [had] overtaken all—even notions of honesty.†[47] Some house  producers have openly admitted that â€Å"commercial† EDM required further differentiation and creativity. Avicii (whose 2013 album â€Å"True† featured songs incorporating elements of bluegrass music, such as its lead single â€Å"Wake Me Up†) stated that there was â€Å"no longevity† in the majority of EDM.[48] Deadmau5 has also criticized the homogenizationof EDM, stating that the music he hears â€Å"all sounds the same†Ã¢â‚¬â€he emphasized his diversification into other genres, such as techno and, in 2014, he released a techno song under the moniker â€Å"testpilot† for Richie Hawtin’s label, Plus 8. During the 2014 Ultra Music Festival, Deadmau5 made remarks attacking up and coming EDM artist Martin Garrix, and during his set later in the evening (where he filled in for Avicii, who was unable to attend due to medical issues), he played an edited version of Garrix’s song â€Å"Animals† remixed to the m elody of â€Å"Old McDonald Had a Farm†. Following the performance, Deadmau5 was also criticized on Twitter by fellow electronic musician Tià «sto for â€Å"sarcastically† mixing Avicii’s â€Å"Levels† with his own â€Å"Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff†, asking in response â€Å"How does one play a track sarcastically? â€Å"Am I supposed to sneer while hitting the sync button? Or is that ironic?†[49][50][51][52] In May 2014, the NBC comedy series Saturday Night Live parodied the stereotypes of EDM culture and push-button DJs through a Digital Short entitled â€Å"When Will the Bass Drop?†. The short featured a DJ named Davvincii—who is seen performing a number of unrelated tasks—including playing a computer game, frying eggs, and collecting money rather than actually mixing, and pressing a giant â€Å"BASS† button to cause the heads of attendees to explode.[53][54][55] Terminology The term â€Å"electronic dance music† was used in America as early as 1985,[56] although the term â€Å"dance music† didn’t catch on as a blanket term for the genre(s) until the second half of the 1990s, when it was embraced by the American music industry with their â€Å"Dance† charts (which continue to this day), as well as the consistent use of the term â€Å"dance music† in reference to artists in reviews.[56] In July 1995 Nervous Records and Project X magazine held their first award ceremony titled â€Å"Electronic Dance Music Awards.† [57][58] Writing in The Guardian journalist Simon Reynolds noted that music industry adoption of the term EDM was part of a drive to re-brand â€Å"rave culture† in the USA; an attempt to â€Å"draw line  between today’s EDM and 90s rave†.[59] While â€Å"EDM† has become the common blanket term for dance music genres in the USA, in many parts of Europe and online, in the UK the usage of â€Å"dance music† or â€Å"dance† is more commonly used.[60] What is widely considered to be club music changes over time includes different genres depending on the region and who’s making the reference, and may not always encompass electronic dance music. Similarly, electronic dance music sometimes means different things to different people. Both terms vaguely encompass multiple genres, and sometimes are used as if they were genres themselves. The distinction is that club music is ultimately based on what’s popular, whereas electronic dance music is based on attributes of the music itself.[61] Genres Main article: List of electronic music genres Just as rock, jazz and other musical genres have their own set of sub-genres, so does electronic dance music. Continuing to evolve over the past 30 years dance music has splintered off into numerous sub-genres often defined by their varying tempo (BPM), rhythm, instrumentation used and time period.[62] The broadest categories include house,techno, trance, hardstyle, UK garage, drum & bass, dubstep, progressive, electro, trap and hardcore. Electronic body music (EBM) is a music genre that combines elements of post-industrial music, EDM and synthpunk.[63] It first came to prominence in Belgium and was considered a part of the European New Wave movement.[63] Pure electronic body music is referred to as â€Å"old-school EBM† and should not be confused with aggrotech, dark electro or industrial music.[64] Production Typical tools for EDM production: computer, MIDI keyboard and mixer/sound recorder. In an April 2014 interview with Tony Andrew, the owner and founder of the Funktion-One sound system—considered a foremost model of audio technology and installed in venues such as Berghain, Output and Trouw—Andrew explains the critical importance of bass to dance music: Dance music wouldn’t be so successful without bass. If you think about it, we’ve really only had amplified bass for around 50 years. Big bass is only a couple of generations old. Before the invention of speakers that could project true bass frequencies, humans really only came across bass in hazardous  situations—for example, when thunder struck, or an earthquake shook, or from explosions caused by dynamite or gunpowder. That is probably why it is by far the most adrenaline-inducing frequency that we have. Bass gets humans excited basically. Below 90 or 100 Hz, bass becomes more of a physical thing. It vibrates specific organs. It vibrates our bones. It causes minor molecular rearrangement, and that is what makes it so potent as a force in dance music. The molecular vibration caused by bass is what gives dance music its power. It is what makes dance music so pleasurable to hear through a proper sound system.[65] Andrew also warns that too much bass, as well as too much sound overall, can be harmful and a â€Å"good sound engineer will understand that there is a window between enough sound to give excitement and so much that it is damaging.†[65] Festival goers, celebrate at the AustralianFuture Music Festival (2013) Festivals Electric Zoo Festival 2011 at the Hilltop Arena See also: List of electronic music festivals and List of Electronic dance music festivals Other festivals, including Lollapalooza and Coachella have increased the number of EDM acts represented.[citation needed] Coachella in particular took an adventurous path giving electronic acts a high profile in a time when they were seldom booked alongside rock bands, in the United States at least. Rawley Bornstein, an MTV music and talent programmer, described EDM as â€Å"the new rock and roll,†[66] as has Lollapalooza organizer Perry Ferrell.[67] Ray Waddell, touring editor at Billboard magazine, noted that festival promoters have done an excellent job at branding.[66] Tomorrowland, a popular EDM music festival in Belgium has amassed millions of followers through YouTube and other social media. Tomorrowland broadcast the show live over YouTube and over 16.8 million viewers tuned in. The 20 minute recap video of Tomorrowland in 2012 amassed over 90 million views on YouTube, a testament to the growing popularity of electronic dance music.[68]